
Welcome to my site! My name is Cayce McCarthy and this is my literary journey.work photo

I graduated from the University of South Carolina where I earned a Bachelor’s degree in English. I had a year-long internship with Fashion and Entertainment Media Magazine (F.E.M.M.). I would have been hired as an editor, but sadly the company couldn’t bring me on board due to finical issues. I was an Arts and Entertainment blogger and I cover topics on movie/tv show promotions, reviews, celebrity news (non-gossip), award shows, etc. I also did articles for our fashion, lifestyle, travel, and music blogs as well.

Here is where you can find some of my work for F.EM.M. and other sources include F.E.M.M.’s Twitter and Facebook page. I’ve even had a travel article that was accepted and published by the Lost To Live company. Currently, I live in North Carolina and work remotely with the freelance company, Captain Words, where I write on various topics that our clients need. Some of the topics include online game reviews, health/dietary blogs, product reviews, small business finical tips, and more. I began working with them back in March 2021.

I love writing articles on different subjects, but my favorites have to be entertainment, lifestyle, and travel. I am more than happy to help future clients who may require a blogger to cover the previously mentioned themes. I can write for future employers either remotely or will gladly move to the area where the job takes place if need be.